Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Nat and Allison's Wedding

At the beginning og October we flew back to Portland for Nat and Allison's wedding. Below are a couple of pictures. What a weekend it was!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Week 6 - is that all?

Sometimes you may notice I mention some of our new friends - mostly fellow grad students of course. Well here is a picture of Shelley and baby Alden. He just turned 6 weeks old this week and is so huge compared to when we met him 5 weeks ago. She is holding him in a Mobi wrap and says it is very comfortable. When her husband wears it we like to call it the man womb, although Shelley says it is more awkward than when she was pregnant.

We were just commenting tonight on how close Thanksgiving is and how it seems we haven't really moved because we are so fortunate to be coming home for the Holidays and we were just home for a wedding. I don't think we'll feel like we've really moved until January. I was also talking about how I feel trapped in Davis and Woodland and I think it is because those are the only areas I am comfortable getting around in. It certainly isn't the fact we are surrounded by corn and wheat fields, so hopefully this weekend I'll go exploring while Bob studies!

Right now Bob is working in the study with another grad student for a project tomorrow. He does seem busier working for his PhD than his masters, but I think he has one more course than normal right now. He has class 3 days a week but is on campus pretty much every day.

I am still working independently and have my hopes on getting a different position at the university. It would mean a regular schedule, but also regular benefits and some other perks that go with a campus job.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Unique to Davis

Round-abouts may be common in larger European cities, or small, vacation communities, but what about for bicycles? This is just one of many bike-round-abouts in Davis. The bleachers you see behind it belong to the current athletic field (a new stadium is under construction this fall).

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Pets

Some of you have asked how the animals are adjusting. Well here is a picture of where Izzy likes to sleep, a picture of Lulu playing with her new friend Blackberry ,and one of Bob and Lulu taking a nap.

My Drive

Right now my drive to work is pretty easy. There are 4 stop signs and 5 stop lights, and the only traffic I really have to deal with is farm equipment! The view out my window is either fields of vegetables, or fields getting ready to have vegetables in them. Of course I could take a highway, but when the country road looks like this, why mess with the commute? On this day there were a few welcomed rain drops that hit my windshield.