From Salem to Davis and back to Salem and most recently to Pittsburgh. Vi is growing up quickly, Bob finished his PhD and has a Post Doc, I'm enjoying time at home at meeting other moms.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
New look, for the car..

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Colin Powell Rocks
"And now I guess the message this week is we're gonna call him a socialist. Mr. Obama is now a Socialist, because he dares to suggest that maybe we oughtta look at the tax structure that we have. ....
"Taxes are always a redistribution of money. Most of the taxes that are redistributed go back to the ones who pay it. In roads, in airports, in hospitals, in schools, and taxes are necessary for the common good....
"...There is nothing wrong with examining what our tax structure is, who should be paying more, who should be paying less. For us to say that makes you a socialist, I think is an unfortunate characterization that isn't accurate, and I don't want my taxes raised, I don't want anyones taxes raised.
"The U.S. already has a progressive federal income tax structure. Those with higher incomes already pay more. The nation has Medicare--nationalized, subsidized health insurance for seniors as well as some others. Congress just approved a bail-out that partly nationalized banks--a deal Republicans and Democrats supported." Lynn Sweets, Washington Post
I've never understood why if one party does something it is okay and if the other party supports the same thing it is wrong and is given a name with a negative connotation. Everyone is guilty, please stop! And for those of you that have your ballots already - VOTE! That way this is all over sooner.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Last night -
As I lay falling asleep last night, something woke Bob and he jumped in his sleep. When I asked what he dreamed about the response was, "A book attacked me." I of course started laughing and he said, "A bug, a bug attacked me." I then told him that I hear a book, not a bug and that if books are attacking him in his dreams, we need to talk.
This morning-
When microwaving my tea I had to move an empty box of ibuprofen. I then took it to the office manager to make sure she knew it needed to be restocked. Work is not home, you don't just leave empty boxes! When I mentioned my opinion to the OM, she said, "Thank you."
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The Obama Office
So over this next week, we have a packet with various names of people whose doors we will be knocking on. And we took a big step. We aren't staying in our neighborhood where we know how people are voting, we are headed to Turner. (For those of you not related to us and didn't grow up with us, this is where our parents live and where we went to high school. It is a rural town that used to be mainly farmers 10 miles from Salem.)
It is time for Change!! (10% is not enough)
Monday, October 06, 2008
Fear Mongering
Definition of liberal:favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs
Does that really sound bad to anyone? I think to be liberal, is a good thing. We need change in health care, change in taxes, change in environmental policies and to GET OUT OF IRAQ. I don't want someone who will run right in to war or has a 1 in 3 chances of dying in the first term, or thinks owning 7 homes is normal and you have to make over $1 mil to be wealthy/upper class. (what about over $250,000 which is less than 1% of the population in the U.S.)
So where will you find me on Saturday between 2 and 4pm? At the Obama Headquarters, possibly calling you or knocking on your door.
And what would be so bad about federal health care? If everyone was covered, all prescriptions, surgeries, births, cancer treatments etc., what is wrong? Talk to someone who has a pre-existing condition or can't afford coverage or someone who has had coverage in Sweden, Germany, Japan, Canada, England (oh yeah, just about every other developed country besides the U.S.)
Also, it is NUCLEAR, not Nucular.