We only sent out a few cards this year because Bob went and got complicated (they involved seeking out a letterpress and finding an antique typwriter less than 2 weeks before Christmas) but here is a sample.
From Salem to Davis and back to Salem and most recently to Pittsburgh. Vi is growing up quickly, Bob finished his PhD and has a Post Doc, I'm enjoying time at home at meeting other moms.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Holiday Cards
We only sent out a few cards this year because Bob went and got complicated (they involved seeking out a letterpress and finding an antique typwriter less than 2 weeks before Christmas) but here is a sample.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Warming Trend
It has warmed back up here to our normal 45 and rainy days, but here is a top 10 reasons you know it is colder than normal outside:
10.Your fountain at work freezes and everyone compares pictures
9. You bundle up just to go down the stairs at your office.
8. You park your car in the area of the parking lot where there is no shade.
7. You realize you need more hats and scarves to make your outfits look like they are on purpose and those are accessories.
6. You wear thermals under your work clothes, gym clothes, and at home clothes.
5. You want the pets to sleep with you.
4. Even your unheated garage is a wonderful asset.
3. You have ice forming on the inside of your house windows.
2.You turn down an invite to go out for drinks.
1. You are extra thankful that almost everything can be done online!
10.Your fountain at work freezes and everyone compares pictures
9. You bundle up just to go down the stairs at your office.
8. You park your car in the area of the parking lot where there is no shade.
7. You realize you need more hats and scarves to make your outfits look like they are on purpose and those are accessories.
6. You wear thermals under your work clothes, gym clothes, and at home clothes.
5. You want the pets to sleep with you.
4. Even your unheated garage is a wonderful asset.
3. You have ice forming on the inside of your house windows.
2.You turn down an invite to go out for drinks.
1. You are extra thankful that almost everything can be done online!
What a weekend!
Friday night started with dinner with Portland Peeps (Farm was delicious!) and was followed by surprise tickets to see Spoon! Saturday, I went to a bazaar with Sheila and Cait and then Bob and I went to my work Holiday party. Sunday we went Christmas tree hunting with Cait, Sheila, Tom, Kris, Heidi and Hunter. Then, yes there is more, Tonya picked me up and we headed to Portland for Katie's Cookie exchange. So much food and so many good times!
Me and Gretchen (from work)

Cait and Hunter in the snow, Lulu with our bounty.

Me and Gretchen (from work)
Cait and Hunter in the snow, Lulu with our bounty.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Mom's b-day
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
So after my downer post, the Ducks win a trip to the Rose Bowl and Bob is offered a class at Willamette. Rose Bowl just means a fun day of watching the game, but Willamette...That means we won't rely solely on my income which takes a load off me.
Maybe part of my not so rosey outlook has to do with my birthday. Which I usually love to celebrate, but don't know what to do this year. Bob has taken care of something on the 11th with some Portland friends, but I don't know if I should have dinner with the fam? Drinks with the neighbors? Dessert with another couple? It is such a busy time for everyone and it is a Tuesday this year (only rain predicted, no snow this year) and the truth is my bestest of friends aren't in Salem, the people I would really want to spend more time with don't live near me and that makes me sad. I miss you friends in MT, MN, CA and WA!
Maybe part of my not so rosey outlook has to do with my birthday. Which I usually love to celebrate, but don't know what to do this year. Bob has taken care of something on the 11th with some Portland friends, but I don't know if I should have dinner with the fam? Drinks with the neighbors? Dessert with another couple? It is such a busy time for everyone and it is a Tuesday this year (only rain predicted, no snow this year) and the truth is my bestest of friends aren't in Salem, the people I would really want to spend more time with don't live near me and that makes me sad. I miss you friends in MT, MN, CA and WA!
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Thankful Thanksgiving but a crappy week
We once again had a relaxing time in Sunriver with my family, followed by an afternoon of games and food with Bob's family. I don't mean to sound like a brat because I have so much to be thankful for, but I've just been feeling a bit down this week. For every thing that makes me happy, there is something to make me sad and once again I'm having the feeling of what can I do to make a difference. Everyday it is the same. Sure I recycle, I sit on committees, I donate to worthy causes, but in the end what have I changed? There are still kids that can't read, people starving, women being raped, drugs being made, wars being fought. Why don't people want to help? Why don't people want change?
Let's start with the most recent item. I did not get the regional position I applied for, it went to an overachieving male architect/attorney, yes both. I don't even know how that is possible since one of the requirements was to be licensed less than 10 years! So maybe my application was a joke. Am I? What do I really know?
Second, I am grateful to be employed. This is a very rough time for architects and I know some that are still out of work, so I hate to say that I am unhappy at my job. I don't trust the people I work with, I cannot call them friends and I don't think they actually care about me either. This week I have been invisible. I am no longer included in meetings, no one asks me to work or help them with something and no one seems to care what I am working on. So I have to wonder if my end is near. Which in case you are wondering, is just about the crappiest thing to feel.
Ah the weight of the world, does no one else feel it? How do you bare it?
Let's start with the most recent item. I did not get the regional position I applied for, it went to an overachieving male architect/attorney, yes both. I don't even know how that is possible since one of the requirements was to be licensed less than 10 years! So maybe my application was a joke. Am I? What do I really know?
Second, I am grateful to be employed. This is a very rough time for architects and I know some that are still out of work, so I hate to say that I am unhappy at my job. I don't trust the people I work with, I cannot call them friends and I don't think they actually care about me either. This week I have been invisible. I am no longer included in meetings, no one asks me to work or help them with something and no one seems to care what I am working on. So I have to wonder if my end is near. Which in case you are wondering, is just about the crappiest thing to feel.
Ah the weight of the world, does no one else feel it? How do you bare it?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Trip to Davis
The first weekend in November, Bob and I headed down to Davis, but not before Bob sprained his ankle playing basketball with my co-workers. This made the trip a bit harder, but we still saw an incredible amount of friends, Bob went to a conference, and I to a yoga class. I didn't take many pictures at all, sorry, but here is one from our hosts whiteboard in the room they let us borrow each time (aren't they funny) and one of Alden and for those of you who really want to see it, Bob's bruised ankle (this was day 3, I think it got worse)!

Thursday, November 05, 2009
Beach Trip
Friday, October 30, 2009
Not much makes me happier...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Phone follow up
I have to add that I am not at all opposed to helping out. If our admin ask me to grab the phone for a few minutes, no problem. It is when other architects ask me to do it instead of doing it themselves - example: a meeting was moved from one conference room to the other and a male architect goes to tell the people in the room to move rooms and then asks me to go and get the coffee and move it rooms. Now that male architect was already in that room, why couldn't they just grab it instead of asking me?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Overextending? Nah.
Last night as Bob and I were walking Lulu, he asked me how many committees I am now on. You see, you volunteer for one and then all the other ones want you possibly for 2 reasons. 1. No one new ever volunteers and they need new ideas and 2. They want off the committee and have to find a replacement.
My first board is my professional one (American Institute of Architects, Salem) and it was for reason number 2. The past Secretary had been doing it for 16 years. Now I know I will not because the chances of me living in Salem that long are slim. My second board position was for reason number 1. I already go to the neighborhood meetings, so why not join the board? So when the phone call came asking me if I would consider, I said sure, but that I wanted to be on the Land Use Committee component of the Neighborhood Association Board. Now, I was so eager to volunteer because what I really want is to be a part of the Planning Commission (see early post about all current members being 60 and male).
So, so far I am on two boards, but I have applications in on two others (Planning Commission and a regional Young Architects AIA position). So as we walk Bob lists these off and tells me I have to stop, I can't keep applying. But, I love being involved and it is too bad they don't pay because that would be my new job. I can't stop. I'm addicted. Yesterday I agreed to go to a meeting of another professional organization's kick-off dinner to help them brainstorm (because of reason number 1). I am not a member so technically they can't ask me to be on their board, so I see it as a minimal commitment, but today I get the contact info for Salem's new zoning code committee, and yes I'm now on it.
Let me run down one more time:
Current Positions:
2nd Thursday at lunch - AIA Salem
2nd Thursday at night - SESNA Neighborhood Board Meeting
3rd Wednesday - Salem Revised Zoning Code
Future Hopefuls:
Planning Commission - (2) Tuesdays a month
AIA Young Architects Regional - Quarterly
Overextending? Nah. Just nicely involved.
My first board is my professional one (American Institute of Architects, Salem) and it was for reason number 2. The past Secretary had been doing it for 16 years. Now I know I will not because the chances of me living in Salem that long are slim. My second board position was for reason number 1. I already go to the neighborhood meetings, so why not join the board? So when the phone call came asking me if I would consider, I said sure, but that I wanted to be on the Land Use Committee component of the Neighborhood Association Board. Now, I was so eager to volunteer because what I really want is to be a part of the Planning Commission (see early post about all current members being 60 and male).
So, so far I am on two boards, but I have applications in on two others (Planning Commission and a regional Young Architects AIA position). So as we walk Bob lists these off and tells me I have to stop, I can't keep applying. But, I love being involved and it is too bad they don't pay because that would be my new job. I can't stop. I'm addicted. Yesterday I agreed to go to a meeting of another professional organization's kick-off dinner to help them brainstorm (because of reason number 1). I am not a member so technically they can't ask me to be on their board, so I see it as a minimal commitment, but today I get the contact info for Salem's new zoning code committee, and yes I'm now on it.
Let me run down one more time:
Current Positions:
2nd Thursday at lunch - AIA Salem
2nd Thursday at night - SESNA Neighborhood Board Meeting
3rd Wednesday - Salem Revised Zoning Code
Future Hopefuls:
Planning Commission - (2) Tuesdays a month
AIA Young Architects Regional - Quarterly
Overextending? Nah. Just nicely involved.
Monday, October 05, 2009
I've been promoted...
...To answering the phones. Yes, that is right I went to school for 5+ years, took 9 licensing exams, my state exam and LEED, all to get to answer the phones, prepare drawings that other people take to meetings and sit here bored. Now if I was getting paid better, maybe that would help. The thing is I can't fight it. My office has laid off 2 intern architects, 2 accounting staff and at least 4 contractors. Here is what I don't want to happen: I continue to be upset about my job so I give up, phone it in, give up my career for a family. Here is what I want: I want to love my job and my clients (I don't need to love my co-workers, but that would be a plus). I want to be torn between my work and my family instead of choosing one by default. Is that too much to want?
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Pretty things, Cool things, talented friend
Anyone who still checks my blog, should take a look at this site. My friend Allison has found she has both the eye and the talent to make beautiful, fun, and affordable jewelry. Her blog is attached on the left of the page ABT Arcade or her site is here. Pass it on!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Harvest Fest
State Fair
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Oregon Women Lead
Last night I attended an event in Salem for women interested in politics. I was blown away! Until recently I thought I'd be leaving the politics up to Bob, but lately I've been considering a number of positions. I am the Secretary of my local professional board and I think that through that and attending our neighborhood association meetings, I've learned that I want to be involved, I want to express new ideas and I want to make a bigger difference. So last night I mentioned serving on the Planning Commission - a non-elected position, but one where 7 men currently sit. The response was incredible, 'You need to meet this person...' 'Hi I'm so and so and are you involved in 'x' yet?' So I guess I have a little bit of work to do, but I am excited.
On another note, I'm applying for a national position with the AIA (American Institute of Architects, same organization I am the Secretary for the Salem Chapter). There I said it. Application is due tomorrow for the Young Architects Forum. I'm not sure I really have a chance, I took a big step without taking many small ones, but at least I'm still walking.
On another note, I'm applying for a national position with the AIA (American Institute of Architects, same organization I am the Secretary for the Salem Chapter). There I said it. Application is due tomorrow for the Young Architects Forum. I'm not sure I really have a chance, I took a big step without taking many small ones, but at least I'm still walking.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Very Moving
Last night Bob and I went to one of the healthcare vigils. Whenever groups of people gather I am moved. It breaks my heart to hear their stories and see that people of every type are fighting to have a basic right. Please call your congress (man/woman) today, or heck send an email and let them know that we all deserve affordable healthcare, we all deserve the right to preventative care, we can no longer be denied coverage or face the rising cost each year.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
911, but everyone is okay
Earlier this week, we had a very traumatic morning that probably ended up being a pretty funny 911 call (from the dispatcher's point of view). I first must say I don't normally call 911, but the previous night the police had been patrolling our area with lights and occasional sirens leading me to believe they were looking for someone.
Bob and Lulu went for their usual morning walk and I continued to be lazy and check my email in bed (than you iphone), when I am suddenly aware that there is a commotion outside my house and Bob is yelling 'Help' but it sounds slow and fear filled. I jump out of bed and run to the front door while dialing 911. Why the front door? Because the noise I heard is from the side and back of the house. I have visions of someone brutally attacking my husband (I must also say I just finished 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' which has a murder mystery). As I reach the front door I am giving the dispatcher my address and I walk out on the porch. I can see Bob now and he appears to be fine, but is breathing hard and is bent over. I'm describing everything I see to the dispatcher while trying to figure our what Bob is saying. I then realize my dog is behind me, so she is okay. 'No, he doesn't need an ambulance, yes he looks fine.' I say. Bob is talking about a dog that chased him and was trying to attack Lulu at the park, so I tell the dispatcher there is a wild dog in the neighborhood, but I don't see it and so I can't give a description, except to say that my husband is now getting in a truck with two guys that came running down the street with yard tools (to chase the dogs of course) and they are going to get the lady's number. (what lady? is someone else involved?) So I describe the truck and tell the dispatcher I am sorry and I will call back to finish the report when I know what is going on. (ie who the lady is, who the guys are, what the dog looks like)
I then go inside, check on Lu and try to make breakfast (7:30am now).
Bob returns and tells me his side of the story. When the dispatcher calls back to finish the report, I hand the phone to him.
It turns out that there were 2 pitt bulls at the park when they rounded the corner of the school and they came charging at Lulu. She turned and ran home (thank goodness her stride was longer), but Bob could not catch up and feared that Lu was cornered at our fence being torn to pieces, hence the yelling for help that sent me into a panic. His yelling however scared the dogs away, leaving me sounding crazy on the phone. The noises I heard were Lulu coming through the fence and then the back door (which she knows how to shove open). The guys with yard tools in the truck were working on the school (by the park) and saw it happened and wanted to help. The lady, was the dog owner. Who yelled at her dogs, but didn't do much more. The guys then went to her house to confront her (maybe not the best of ideas). They were then told that her dogs were under control and if they weren't they 'would have killed your dog'. Okay, crazy lady. A couple hours later the police come by the house (I am now at work telling this story) and let Bob know this will then go to animal control (thank goodness).
So I'm not sure who I would have called if the dogs had still been in my yard. If Bob hadn't yelled for help then we would have filed a complaint with animal control. Lulu seems fine and we've taken her to the dog park since so this doesn't become an issue. I'm sure it isn't the last we'll see of this crazy lady, but I hope it isn't any time soon and that her dogs are at least on leashes. Trauma, Drama and probably funny for the dispatcher.
Bob and Lulu went for their usual morning walk and I continued to be lazy and check my email in bed (than you iphone), when I am suddenly aware that there is a commotion outside my house and Bob is yelling 'Help' but it sounds slow and fear filled. I jump out of bed and run to the front door while dialing 911. Why the front door? Because the noise I heard is from the side and back of the house. I have visions of someone brutally attacking my husband (I must also say I just finished 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' which has a murder mystery). As I reach the front door I am giving the dispatcher my address and I walk out on the porch. I can see Bob now and he appears to be fine, but is breathing hard and is bent over. I'm describing everything I see to the dispatcher while trying to figure our what Bob is saying. I then realize my dog is behind me, so she is okay. 'No, he doesn't need an ambulance, yes he looks fine.' I say. Bob is talking about a dog that chased him and was trying to attack Lulu at the park, so I tell the dispatcher there is a wild dog in the neighborhood, but I don't see it and so I can't give a description, except to say that my husband is now getting in a truck with two guys that came running down the street with yard tools (to chase the dogs of course) and they are going to get the lady's number. (what lady? is someone else involved?) So I describe the truck and tell the dispatcher I am sorry and I will call back to finish the report when I know what is going on. (ie who the lady is, who the guys are, what the dog looks like)
I then go inside, check on Lu and try to make breakfast (7:30am now).
Bob returns and tells me his side of the story. When the dispatcher calls back to finish the report, I hand the phone to him.
It turns out that there were 2 pitt bulls at the park when they rounded the corner of the school and they came charging at Lulu. She turned and ran home (thank goodness her stride was longer), but Bob could not catch up and feared that Lu was cornered at our fence being torn to pieces, hence the yelling for help that sent me into a panic. His yelling however scared the dogs away, leaving me sounding crazy on the phone. The noises I heard were Lulu coming through the fence and then the back door (which she knows how to shove open). The guys with yard tools in the truck were working on the school (by the park) and saw it happened and wanted to help. The lady, was the dog owner. Who yelled at her dogs, but didn't do much more. The guys then went to her house to confront her (maybe not the best of ideas). They were then told that her dogs were under control and if they weren't they 'would have killed your dog'. Okay, crazy lady. A couple hours later the police come by the house (I am now at work telling this story) and let Bob know this will then go to animal control (thank goodness).
So I'm not sure who I would have called if the dogs had still been in my yard. If Bob hadn't yelled for help then we would have filed a complaint with animal control. Lulu seems fine and we've taken her to the dog park since so this doesn't become an issue. I'm sure it isn't the last we'll see of this crazy lady, but I hope it isn't any time soon and that her dogs are at least on leashes. Trauma, Drama and probably funny for the dispatcher.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A quickie
A number of things have gone right today :)
I stained a sweater and a pair of pants last week carrying flowers and the pollen came out today!
I won a gift certificate for a manicure and pedicure!
Bob defends his prospectus on Friday - over the phone!
I stained a sweater and a pair of pants last week carrying flowers and the pollen came out today!
I won a gift certificate for a manicure and pedicure!
Bob defends his prospectus on Friday - over the phone!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sometimes things suck...
Sometimes I am frequently reminded of a young life skit involving oranges and nails. The orange is the little girl's heart and each time something in life hurts her, a nail goes into the orange. Soon she learns not to trust and is filled with hate, but God is presented to her and He withdraws the nails from the orange (giving her a new heart.) The point at the end is that life sucks, but it wasn't what God intended. He didn't want us to be in pain, in war, or hate. But this week has been rough, sure there have been golden spots in it, an engagement, a baby announcement, and my anniversary, but the dark spots are a little bigger. Bob's Aunt died of cancer this week, two more layoffs in my office, and my heart breaks for my niece and her stupid dad that hasn't talked to her in a month. I mourn with Bob's family, I miss my co-workers and live in fear and gratefulness for my job at the same time and I wonder how my sister's ex can be so cruel to his little girl? But I will try and remember that I have new heart, and the nails weren't supposed to be there, but on the cross.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
No Pictures
Since being back from our trip we have also been to California and Montana and both times we saw great friends, ate tasty food and I packed around the camera, but didn't take any pictures. Sorry!
We spent the weekend of the 4th with our good friends in Missoula. We rafted, went on a little hike, visited our favorite spots in town, but most of all hung out and enjoyed each others company and conversation. If only we lived closer! We saw the new house, saw Ty's family, watched illegal fireworks with the nutty neighbors, discussed politics, made breakfast together, watched the dogs play, tossed around the idea of a multi-day raft trip next time and were of course sad we had to leave.
We spent the weekend of the 4th with our good friends in Missoula. We rafted, went on a little hike, visited our favorite spots in town, but most of all hung out and enjoyed each others company and conversation. If only we lived closer! We saw the new house, saw Ty's family, watched illegal fireworks with the nutty neighbors, discussed politics, made breakfast together, watched the dogs play, tossed around the idea of a multi-day raft trip next time and were of course sad we had to leave.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Scotland! The last leg of the trip
I apologize for not getting these up here in a more efficient manner. After Spending 6 days in Ireland, we then traveled to Edinburgh (then Sheila returned home) and the rest of us continued into the highlands. We visited the north coast, a whisky distillery, a cooperage (the barrel making) lochs and castles. The weather was not quite as good, but it didn't really matter.
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