Today I watched the inaugural concert (online) and it was so incredible to see and hear the crowd and think of the change that is possible. I listened as the celebrity speakers mentioned Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr.; as they talked about being one. I very much look forward to January 20th and the change I hope is coming. It was easy for the 2 hours to forget how much Americans are hated, how many steps backwards were taken int he last 8 years, and how much of a recession we are in now. Thanks, I needed to forget more than I realized.

'96 Cascade Girl's Christmas, make up brunch (in January) pictures.
Each year the ladies I went to High School with, get together for a holiday brunch. This year because of the 'Artic Blast' we had to postpone and some of the girls that were in town for Christmas, were no longer in town so our group was a little small. The kids are Anthony, Kohen, Kelson and Ella. The ladies are Jen, Julie, Amber, Tonya and then myself, Cassie, Kristina and Sara. Jen's girl wasn't there and Tonya's boy isn't pictured either (for those of you keeping track).