Thursday, August 27, 2009

911, but everyone is okay

Earlier this week, we had a very traumatic morning that probably ended up being a pretty funny 911 call (from the dispatcher's point of view). I first must say I don't normally call 911, but the previous night the police had been patrolling our area with lights and occasional sirens leading me to believe they were looking for someone.

Bob and Lulu went for their usual morning walk and I continued to be lazy and check my email in bed (than you iphone), when I am suddenly aware that there is a commotion outside my house and Bob is yelling 'Help' but it sounds slow and fear filled. I jump out of bed and run to the front door while dialing 911. Why the front door? Because the noise I heard is from the side and back of the house. I have visions of someone brutally attacking my husband (I must also say I just finished 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' which has a murder mystery). As I reach the front door I am giving the dispatcher my address and I walk out on the porch. I can see Bob now and he appears to be fine, but is breathing hard and is bent over. I'm describing everything I see to the dispatcher while trying to figure our what Bob is saying. I then realize my dog is behind me, so she is okay. 'No, he doesn't need an ambulance, yes he looks fine.' I say. Bob is talking about a dog that chased him and was trying to attack Lulu at the park, so I tell the dispatcher there is a wild dog in the neighborhood, but I don't see it and so I can't give a description, except to say that my husband is now getting in a truck with two guys that came running down the street with yard tools (to chase the dogs of course) and they are going to get the lady's number. (what lady? is someone else involved?) So I describe the truck and tell the dispatcher I am sorry and I will call back to finish the report when I know what is going on. (ie who the lady is, who the guys are, what the dog looks like)
I then go inside, check on Lu and try to make breakfast (7:30am now).
Bob returns and tells me his side of the story. When the dispatcher calls back to finish the report, I hand the phone to him.
It turns out that there were 2 pitt bulls at the park when they rounded the corner of the school and they came charging at Lulu. She turned and ran home (thank goodness her stride was longer), but Bob could not catch up and feared that Lu was cornered at our fence being torn to pieces, hence the yelling for help that sent me into a panic. His yelling however scared the dogs away, leaving me sounding crazy on the phone. The noises I heard were Lulu coming through the fence and then the back door (which she knows how to shove open). The guys with yard tools in the truck were working on the school (by the park) and saw it happened and wanted to help. The lady, was the dog owner. Who yelled at her dogs, but didn't do much more. The guys then went to her house to confront her (maybe not the best of ideas). They were then told that her dogs were under control and if they weren't they 'would have killed your dog'. Okay, crazy lady. A couple hours later the police come by the house (I am now at work telling this story) and let Bob know this will then go to animal control (thank goodness).
So I'm not sure who I would have called if the dogs had still been in my yard. If Bob hadn't yelled for help then we would have filed a complaint with animal control. Lulu seems fine and we've taken her to the dog park since so this doesn't become an issue. I'm sure it isn't the last we'll see of this crazy lady, but I hope it isn't any time soon and that her dogs are at least on leashes. Trauma, Drama and probably funny for the dispatcher.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A quickie

A number of things have gone right today :)
I stained a sweater and a pair of pants last week carrying flowers and the pollen came out today!
I won a gift certificate for a manicure and pedicure!
Bob defends his prospectus on Friday - over the phone!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Has once again slipped away too quickly. But here are tidbits we enjoyed eating! Of course the jam will keep, we have frozen blueberries and I'm trying to grow tomatoes in the greenhouse. I think we ate our weight in raspberries instead of freezing any and I hope we don't regret it this winter.