Friday, September 18, 2009

Office Bonding

My office did a little team building this week. And we had a good time doing it.

Harvest Fest

It had been a while so we joined my parents and Cait for dinner and some monster trucks! I love playing with the camera functions!

State Fair

A backlog of things to come, but I'll start here! Our annual trip to the fair began with mutton busting and ended with water balloon filling!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oregon Women Lead

Last night I attended an event in Salem for women interested in politics. I was blown away! Until recently I thought I'd be leaving the politics up to Bob, but lately I've been considering a number of positions. I am the Secretary of my local professional board and I think that through that and attending our neighborhood association meetings, I've learned that I want to be involved, I want to express new ideas and I want to make a bigger difference. So last night I mentioned serving on the Planning Commission - a non-elected position, but one where 7 men currently sit. The response was incredible, 'You need to meet this person...' 'Hi I'm so and so and are you involved in 'x' yet?' So I guess I have a little bit of work to do, but I am excited.

On another note, I'm applying for a national position with the AIA (American Institute of Architects, same organization I am the Secretary for the Salem Chapter). There I said it. Application is due tomorrow for the Young Architects Forum. I'm not sure I really have a chance, I took a big step without taking many small ones, but at least I'm still walking.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Very Moving

Last night Bob and I went to one of the healthcare vigils. Whenever groups of people gather I am moved. It breaks my heart to hear their stories and see that people of every type are fighting to have a basic right. Please call your congress (man/woman) today, or heck send an email and let them know that we all deserve affordable healthcare, we all deserve the right to preventative care, we can no longer be denied coverage or face the rising cost each year.