Monday, April 30, 2012

Daddy Time

This last weekend I had a conference at the coast and Violet and Bob joined me. He spends a lot of time with Violet, not just when I'm in classes and here is the proof :)

Happy Girl

 Just a regular happy day
 First day laying outside, in the shade of course.
 Chillin' with my dog
This is the tiny crib I used to sleep in!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

6 months already!

Where has time gone! I can't believe Violet is 6 months already. Most nights she does a pretty good job and lets us sleep even. She has favorite toys, reaches for people, laughs, 'talks', tries to pet Lulu, but still does not want to nap! We've tried avocado and sweet potato and she makes terrible faces and pushes them out - we find it pretty funny. Last night I had to rock her to sleep, she had a stuffy nose and was very fussy, but oh how sweet she was falling asleep in my arms again.