Hey V, look at the mountains out your window. "Mommy, they have paint on them!"
She loved eggplant Parmesan and asked for more. When finished she told us she was ready for pie. When it was dished up she ate all her whipped cream and then asked, when pointing to the pie, "What's this?"
Lately she's been asking where we got Liam and when I answer with, "hospital" she asks why.
The other morning she told me she was born to be an elephant.
At breakfast she asks,"So what are we going to do today?" At dinner she asks, "How was your day?"
When is your birthday? "I don't know" is it in October? "No it's in Rocktober"
Whew talking about her pajama short pants that we're keeping her awake, "these aren't working"
When hosting a garage sale Violet was going up to everyone and asking, "what's your name?" Most people responded.
"Mommy you can use my toilet seat, you have a small bum like me"
Crying at night, I go into her room to ask what is wrong. "It hurts my feelings when you leave."
I can't make this up.