Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sunday, December 22, 2013


I wanted a little sunny vacation before nĂºmero two arrived, and what better occasion than my mom's 60th. It was the longest I had been away from Violet and both of us missed each other, but it was nice. 


A bit of a catch up. Here are some shots from the thanksgiving weekend. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

An up and down ride still

The roller coaster continues. With 2 schools requesting first round interviews but no other word from the others, the up down up effect. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Probably not again

When pregnant with Violet, I kept thinking about if this might be my only what it would be like to not have the experience again. Now with number two on the way and the unlikelyness of a number 3, each phase has its lasts. The last glucose test, the last ultrasound revealing gender, the last pee on a stick. And it is a bit strange. I'm sure it will continue with good and bad lasts like last contraction, last strep B test, last kicks in the middle of the night and then each of the baby's firsts. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Leaf crafty

I started a box and Violet knows what crafts are now and asks to get the box down ('let's do crafts please' or 'I need to do some crafts please') so today we used some colorful leaves. I look forward to glitter and snowflakes too!
And that is the view of the trees behind us without their leaves. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The roller coaster

It is past that time if year again. Job announcements went out barely after we were settled in Pittsburgh, then applications were due Oct1-Nov15. And although the position here is 2 years, it us a two year max, so Bob has applied selectively. So there was the high of the announcements, the up climb as he applied and then the high of really wanting to be somewhere. And now begins the down. The first rejection came today (on a Sunday!). I know what it is like to not feel like you don't fit in, to not be wanted and then to doubt yourself and I feel so bad for Bob. We may not want to be here long term, but it still stings. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dreams from a toddler

Me: did you have a nice nap?
V: umhum
Me: what did you dream about?
Me: what were the cows doing in your dream?
V:jumping over the moon

She cracks me up. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Video updates

Just a couple videos to share from the last week.

Pumpkin patch

Or what is left of one 2 days before Halloween!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Nap time?

Yesterday I had to tell Violet to get back in bed and to leave her clothes on, all thanks to our camera in her room. One day last week she got out to grab a fire truck, nice and cuddly. Today she brought her tote of socks. That crazy kid!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


It is cold here now. Our low of 45 is now our high. Jeanne came to visit and here are some pics from the weekend! 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

It's a pity party

It's only 8:30 here so too early to call back home and I'm not close enough to anyone here and I just couldn't keep Bob home. Jeanne comes tonight and I'm excited, Debi comes in 2 weeks and I look forward to that too, but I'm very sad. I slept terribly, my back seized again and I miss home. I know everything is just compounding but my need to sob over it is ridiculous. I'm sorry. Virtual hugs appreciated. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Full name!

Violet has taken a greater interest in letters and now knows her full name! We didn't believe it when we first heard it. So we've been playing with letters on the fridge. 
Should I be concerned she groups them by colors?
She also told me she was 5 when I asked her how old she was, although she quickly changed her mind. 

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Second half of her second birthday

We opened presents in front of two laptops skyping! 

I have a time lapse that I'll try to get up here too. Thanks for all the wishes and packages. We all felt and feel very loved. 

Not a baby any more

Violet is definitely a little girl. We have almost full sentences, we have requests to sit on the toilet, wear certain clothes and read specific books. We have a runner and a climber and we've moved out of the crib. We have been asked to 'let go' in both safe and unsafe locations. She tells her animal friends what to do. She sings the alphabet, happy birthday and pieces of other songs. She asks for her songs. She tries to put on and take off her clothes and shoes. She helps feed and walk Lulu and unload the dishwasher. 
This morning we met another family to take a look at Pittsburgh's giant duck (it's an art thing). This afternoon we'll Skype the family for cupcakes (I still have to frost) and presents. 

Part of me feels bad for not doing more. There are no balloons, no other people in the house squealing for cake. For her first birthday I planned everything so far ahead and we were surrounded by friends and family over the whole weekend. Maybe this year is more normal? Or maybe I'll just always feel I could have done more and that is normal. 

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Big changes coming!

Tomorrow Violet turns two. 
We're working on using the toilet and teaching our stuffed animals too. 
And we just switched the crib for a bed! Now to see if she stays in it. 

How a toddler sleeps

The crazy positions make me laugh, yet others are just sweet. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekend away

Our last 'Violet flies for free before 2' weekend is here and we flew to Boston! But our flight was late, rental cars backed up and car seat damaged, so we didn't have any time in the city before headed north for a non napping car ride. Friday was exhausting. Our B and B was interesting. The couple who ran it were OLD. Plus they yelled at each other. I'll have a post soon about if I ran a BB what would be different. We spent dinner with a 3 year old for her birthday and it was great to catch up with her parents. 
Saturday we drove north to Concord,
stopped at a farmers market and slowly made our way north to Thornton where we had a cute little cabin!
We made it there by nap time and Violet did not need to yell 'bed' this time. She slept for 3 hours while we sat and watched leaves fall. That evening we went to the marshmallow roast with the owners and learned Violet is afraid of the fire, we have not camped enough point number 1. 
Sunday we headed a little farther north into Franconia Notch State Park for a little walking.Violet made Point number 2 that we have not camped or hiked lately when at a water fall she called it a fountain.

That afternoon we headed south east to check out the Atlantic before heading back to Boston. 
Back in the city, we stayed at the Buckminster and our room was huge! It was luxury for Violet to sleep in another room and not worry about waking her!
Monday we headed out to explore. The weather was beautiful so we caught the T to Boston Commons and then followed the brick path to some historic sites. Bob had a research appointment part way through, so Violet and I walked on!

The only part of the Freedom Trail we didn't get to was across the bridge. So when we met back up and Bob wanted to see Fenway before checking out of the hotel, I had little interest. It was a quick tour of the North East, but it will do for now!