Sunday, November 10, 2013

The roller coaster

It is past that time if year again. Job announcements went out barely after we were settled in Pittsburgh, then applications were due Oct1-Nov15. And although the position here is 2 years, it us a two year max, so Bob has applied selectively. So there was the high of the announcements, the up climb as he applied and then the high of really wanting to be somewhere. And now begins the down. The first rejection came today (on a Sunday!). I know what it is like to not feel like you don't fit in, to not be wanted and then to doubt yourself and I feel so bad for Bob. We may not want to be here long term, but it still stings. 


Britta said...

There's no denying. It really sucks. Crossing my fingers for some positive news!

Bob said...

That breaks my heart for all of you guys. I know how bad you want to be back on the west side but the decision of when is up to someone else. :( Let God give you the strength and joy to wait for the perfect spot. Always in my prayers! Debi