Thursday, October 17, 2013

It's a pity party

It's only 8:30 here so too early to call back home and I'm not close enough to anyone here and I just couldn't keep Bob home. Jeanne comes tonight and I'm excited, Debi comes in 2 weeks and I look forward to that too, but I'm very sad. I slept terribly, my back seized again and I miss home. I know everything is just compounding but my need to sob over it is ridiculous. I'm sorry. Virtual hugs appreciated. 


Britta said...

Sending giant hugs across the Atlantic. So sorry to read you're feeling down...

Britta - again said...

Sobbing is OK, btw... Let it out and treat yourself to something nice afterwards. Everything will be OK, even being all the way across the country. I'm sure, it will. There'll be people to sob, laugh and share life with. Promised. Love you!

Bob said...

I don't know if I will get this sent but in case I do, HUGGING!! These times will make loving and enjoying the happier things in life better. It's that female thing that makes us so special, hormones! It will pass! Love you :)

Melanie said...

Sorry that you're feeling blue. You can always call or text me! I'm in the same time zone and up early.