Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sunny days

Lately there are more sunny days than rainy, although Tuesday it snowed. Winter doesn't want to give up! Since my hard day, we've had mostly 4 hour sleeps (8-12 and then one at 4 or 5 and then 7), we went to a BBQ and we have 19 days until we are home. We've lined up some subletters to cut costs so that takes some stress off. I've also realized our toddler is crazy. Taking off her pjs at night and then getting upset. And the babe will scream and scream when tired. The problem is the craziness and the tiredness happen at the same time and I can only be in one place and I only have 2 arms. Choosing the most needy at that moment is difficult. One on the toilet vs one on the changer, one running naked vs crying in bed, one hungry vs one tired. I mean it is nice to be needed and all... 

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