Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Can they have this for Adults too?

Friday, August 15, 2008

I did it!

Bob and I got new bikes (pics soon) and today I rode to work! We've ridden to dinner, the movie theater, and downtown as well.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kristina's Wedding

Kristina and Kyle

I have the same picture from my wedding!

Baby Ella

Will and Tonya

The girls (weekend prior)

Wedded Bliss

Kris, Bob's brother, and Heidi were married on July 26th and here are just a few shots of the events. (Yes that is Spencer and Bob in a bouncy house and it only tipped over once.)

The Move

I have internet again, so I'll be catching up on here soon. Thanks again to both the moving helpers in Davis and Oregon! Oh and the couch came with us, but we're getting a new piece of furniture too. Once the house is put together, I'll post.

My view for 9 hours.

Parents' garage