Thursday, March 20, 2014


There are lots of special women in my life from those I'm related to (blood or marriage) to those I've known a short time to those I went to school with. The help, love, meals and texts from them have all been valuable during pregnancy and after Liam's arrival.
At a moms group today I mentioned we'd be back in Oregon for the summer (which we are looking forward to), but I realized I will miss my new friends, friends from the JCC and moms groups. I feel we have these double lives to lead. But I also realize that I need both theses lives. I need those of you back home to check in on me, to not forget us in this Midwest-east coast vortex and I need the ladies here until I can get back home. Thank you for not forgetting us. 

Saturday, March 08, 2014

4 of us

It is strange to think there are 2 little people in our house now. 

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

The babes

First time to watch them both! Usually Liam is in our room with us. 

Sunday, March 02, 2014


At 10:35am on Feb 27, Robert William McMillan Reinhardt joined our family! Today, we brought him home

Sleeping beauty

She cracks me up!