Thursday, November 14, 2013

Probably not again

When pregnant with Violet, I kept thinking about if this might be my only what it would be like to not have the experience again. Now with number two on the way and the unlikelyness of a number 3, each phase has its lasts. The last glucose test, the last ultrasound revealing gender, the last pee on a stick. And it is a bit strange. I'm sure it will continue with good and bad lasts like last contraction, last strep B test, last kicks in the middle of the night and then each of the baby's firsts. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Leaf crafty

I started a box and Violet knows what crafts are now and asks to get the box down ('let's do crafts please' or 'I need to do some crafts please') so today we used some colorful leaves. I look forward to glitter and snowflakes too!
And that is the view of the trees behind us without their leaves. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The roller coaster

It is past that time if year again. Job announcements went out barely after we were settled in Pittsburgh, then applications were due Oct1-Nov15. And although the position here is 2 years, it us a two year max, so Bob has applied selectively. So there was the high of the announcements, the up climb as he applied and then the high of really wanting to be somewhere. And now begins the down. The first rejection came today (on a Sunday!). I know what it is like to not feel like you don't fit in, to not be wanted and then to doubt yourself and I feel so bad for Bob. We may not want to be here long term, but it still stings.