Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Driving him Crazy

It has been a while since Bob and I were both home and shared an office for more than a weekend. This is day 3 and I already think I'm driving him crazy. I promise, I am very quiet, but I think even my footsteps or typing cause him to sigh in frustration as he tries to focus on his work. Dude, does he think about what he sounds like to me?

Monday, September 20, 2010

My turn...

I had tried to avoid it, I even moved firms at a risky time, but I've now been laid off. The real bummer isn't the missing paycheck it is that I actually liked my job. I liked my co-workers, the quirky bosses and even the love hate relationship with the developers we work with. I felt I was fitting in which I definitely did not at my last office (you may remember: boys club to the extreme). I know most firms in town have laid off, the state isn't hiring, and the Portland market is even worse. I'm not sure I can handle a bad firm or a bad job and I can't afford to do something i love that pays in beans because my unemployment check is a better deal. So help me brainstorm, help me dream because sometimes it is hard to think when you really need to.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bob and I went to visit my grandparents last night and I wanted to snap this photo, for me and for my grandma. This is what love is.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Cider Making

A Friday night spent squeezing apples. Bob and I were there too, but behind the scenes I guess. Now we wait for 2 months...