Monday, September 20, 2010

My turn...

I had tried to avoid it, I even moved firms at a risky time, but I've now been laid off. The real bummer isn't the missing paycheck it is that I actually liked my job. I liked my co-workers, the quirky bosses and even the love hate relationship with the developers we work with. I felt I was fitting in which I definitely did not at my last office (you may remember: boys club to the extreme). I know most firms in town have laid off, the state isn't hiring, and the Portland market is even worse. I'm not sure I can handle a bad firm or a bad job and I can't afford to do something i love that pays in beans because my unemployment check is a better deal. So help me brainstorm, help me dream because sometimes it is hard to think when you really need to.

1 comment:

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

Leah, I am so sorry! This is the second time around at this, right? Boo. What a tough one :(

When Matt got laid off we first took time just to process - not do anything. The dreaming did not come around again for six weeks or so. Matt eventually decided on going to grad school, the same day he got a job offer! He could not decide which to do, so he took both. It is a huge juggle, but working well, strangely.

I know that God is opening some doors for you, girl. You have been so gracious and worked so hard! My first thought is you should become a high in-demand consultant :) Because, I think you would rock! ;)

Second thought is write a blog that has adsense (paid advertising) on a topic you love.

Thinking of you, friend!