Monday, January 17, 2011

The Unexpected

Bob and I just had one of the hardest weeks ever. We received a call last Monday morning that one of our dear friends had lost their dad. He was 62, Bob had seen him 3 days earlier, it was very unexpected. Bob went out to be with his friend and family that first day. We had breakfast with them on day 3 and saw them briefly on day four to dogsit while they headed to California. We drove down on day 5 (leaving the dogs with my parents) and stopped along the way visiting Bob's family. The service was on day 6, Bob spoke and was a pall bearer. Day 7 we drove back home, hoping to never have an unexpected funeral to go to again.
I'm not saying any funeral or death is ever easy, I've lost my share of family members and watch others grieve to know that, but the shock of this one makes it different somehow.
My heart breaks for them almost hourly as I wonder how I would get through the next day if I was them. I cried so hard seeing our friend and his sister lay their hands on his casket.
The memorial is on his birthday at the end of the month and they expect over 200 people. I am so glad our friend has this many people to love and support him through this.
So now the shock will settle into grief.

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