Monday, September 26, 2011

Baby updates

I'm now at 39 weeks, but my belly stopped growing and I haven't gained more weight so tomorrow they want me to have another ultrasound to check on her size. I'm still hoping to work through this week and other than being tired (again) I feel pretty good.
I had two get togethers with girl friends over the last week, one out to dinner night and one scrapbooking morning, both were great with small groups filled with quality time. I can't believe how quickly September, and the whole pregnancy for that matter, have flown by. I miss several things about not being pregnant, but I know I will miss being pregnant as well - feeling her move is so incredible and people are so nice to you! But to bend over again, see my belly button, roll over, drink wine will be wonderful.


sue said...

yes, there is nothing like feeling her move within you and realizing that the two of you made this fantastic child. Love Mom

Britta said...

You started scrabooking? hooo-hoooo! I'll be thinking of you the next days. My fingers are crossed that everything goes well for you and your little girl.