Wednesday, June 25, 2014

6 months ago

I'm sorry this post has taken me so long. 
6 months ago (and a few days) we called our dear friends for a visit and learned one of them was having heart surgery. We took V over and spent an evening with them. We chatted and snacked and he played blocks with V. We hugged and wished him a speedy recovery. He went into surgery on the 23rd just before Christmas. We thought it was a routine surgery but there were complications and a second surgery. His organs began to fail. His kids traveled back home to be with him. He did not wake back up. We grieved for him, for his family. The party after his funeral was full of joy, singing and dancing. 
It was almost easy to forget it all happened since we were 2500 miles away. But now that we are back I feel I am grief stricken again. 

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