Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter

This last week we had a great time celebrating Passover with 23 grad students at a Seder dinner. The maztah ball soup was the best. I tried the homemade gefilte fish and we'll just leave it at that. It was fun and educational at the same time and I hope to be invited again next year.
It was a little strange not to be with our immediate families for Easter Sunday, but it was great to be with Bob's grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins. We had yummy food followed by an Easter egg hunt and ended the day with kickball and dessert. I had my camera with me, but there was so much going on that I didn't take any pictures.
On Saturday we had our second pick-up game of soccer. I am no where near as sore as I was last weekend, but I now have bruises on top of bruises. I guess it is time to find the shin guards! This next weekend is Picnic Day and I will definitely have pictures for that post. I am really looking forward to the wiener dog races. We've had great weather and I hope it stays for next weekend. This month holds lots of exciting things for us including a visit from Jeanne, a trip to Napa, and gasp -- I am going to schedule an exam this month!!

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