Friday, April 27, 2007

Lots on my Mind

So today I am moving offices, same job, new space, and seeing my empty desk with only my computer sitting on it has caused me to reflect on several things. First of all, what a week. My friend Jeanne was here visiting until Monday and left us with a lot to think about as she decides what to do and where to live next. The office move has been hectic and will continue on through next week. Family is in town for the weekend and I am taking a test on Monday. It will be my first one and I keep telling myself it is ok to fail, I probably will stress myself out and forget everything, but at the same time I keep saying to myself, "you can do this" and I know I can, but will I?

On a larger note, I have two friends involved in the Invisible Children/Displacement Camps/Child Soldier issues in Uganda. This weekend there is an event to make people more aware of what is happening. It is yet another part of our world that leaves me feeling small and helpless. It is another cause I should be involved in, but cannot seem to find time for. Mother Teresa was a very wise woman and said several things we should all pay more attention to, but one thing in particular struck me, "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." So if you too feel pressured to be more involved, but can't seem to pick the right cause or at least use that as your excuse, we no longer have an excuse. We don't have to be 'the great movement', we just have to do our small part with all of our heart and we can make a difference.

Here is the event I mentioned and there is more information, just look, it is easy to find.

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