Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Overextending? Nah.

Last night as Bob and I were walking Lulu, he asked me how many committees I am now on. You see, you volunteer for one and then all the other ones want you possibly for 2 reasons. 1. No one new ever volunteers and they need new ideas and 2. They want off the committee and have to find a replacement.
My first board is my professional one (American Institute of Architects, Salem) and it was for reason number 2. The past Secretary had been doing it for 16 years. Now I know I will not because the chances of me living in Salem that long are slim. My second board position was for reason number 1. I already go to the neighborhood meetings, so why not join the board? So when the phone call came asking me if I would consider, I said sure, but that I wanted to be on the Land Use Committee component of the Neighborhood Association Board. Now, I was so eager to volunteer because what I really want is to be a part of the Planning Commission (see early post about all current members being 60 and male).
So, so far I am on two boards, but I have applications in on two others (Planning Commission and a regional Young Architects AIA position). So as we walk Bob lists these off and tells me I have to stop, I can't keep applying. But, I love being involved and it is too bad they don't pay because that would be my new job. I can't stop. I'm addicted. Yesterday I agreed to go to a meeting of another professional organization's kick-off dinner to help them brainstorm (because of reason number 1). I am not a member so technically they can't ask me to be on their board, so I see it as a minimal commitment, but today I get the contact info for Salem's new zoning code committee, and yes I'm now on it.
Let me run down one more time:
Current Positions:
2nd Thursday at lunch - AIA Salem
2nd Thursday at night - SESNA Neighborhood Board Meeting
3rd Wednesday - Salem Revised Zoning Code
Future Hopefuls:
Planning Commission - (2) Tuesdays a month
AIA Young Architects Regional - Quarterly

Overextending? Nah. Just nicely involved.

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