Tuesday, December 08, 2009


So after my downer post, the Ducks win a trip to the Rose Bowl and Bob is offered a class at Willamette. Rose Bowl just means a fun day of watching the game, but Willamette...That means we won't rely solely on my income which takes a load off me.
Maybe part of my not so rosey outlook has to do with my birthday. Which I usually love to celebrate, but don't know what to do this year. Bob has taken care of something on the 11th with some Portland friends, but I don't know if I should have dinner with the fam? Drinks with the neighbors? Dessert with another couple? It is such a busy time for everyone and it is a Tuesday this year (only rain predicted, no snow this year) and the truth is my bestest of friends aren't in Salem, the people I would really want to spend more time with don't live near me and that makes me sad. I miss you friends in MT, MN, CA and WA!

1 comment:

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

...and in WA too, right!? :)

That is great news that Bob got that class! Praise the Lord. Yay for good news posts, amen?