Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First of two posts because a lot is on my mind.

Health care! I am very excited that this bill passed for a number of reasons and very sad at how little and how slow things will change at the same time.
1. Pregnancy will not be a pre exisiting condition. This was terrible - how did they get away with it for so long?
2. Children will no longer be denied coverage - what? they were before, that is crazy!
3. Large companies will need to insure their employees. LARGE companies, that means you Wal Mart will have to start providing health insurance.
4. When you get sick, you can't be dropped. Isn't the point of having insurance is in case you get sick?

Not everyone belongs to a group plan and has the above (luxuries) rights, but soon they will.

But why is there not a public option? Can states really try to opt out of this? Why are so many people against these rights? That last question bothers be the most. How can people not care about their friends and neighbors to extend health care? There are several programs we buy into currently - social security, medicare and things we pay for - public schools, public libraries, taxes, bonds - so aren't we already socialist to some degree? Let's drop the stupid name calling and realize we have to do what is best to make our country healthy again. Let's forget about Pre-existing conditions and begin to talk about preventative medicine!

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