Tuesday, March 02, 2010

One Exciting Week

What a roller coaster of a week! Monday started off with a meeting with a favorite client followed by being thrown under the bus. Wednesday our new niece arrived, Thursday we met her. Thursday afternoon was tough at work though and I went home and cried that night. But Friday morning relief came when I had a job offer from the firm I've been working with 2 days a week. So I gave notice yesterday. My hope is to be taken seriously, as an architect, at the new office. It is small and I'll give more info about them soon. I can tell you I've learned a lot about how businesses are run and what their priorities are and I will pick working with cool, honest people over cool projects any day.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job! I'm totally with you- the people we work with make all the difference in the world. I hope you will enjoy your new workplace, and that they use your talents for the company's benefit, and your satisfaction. Best wishes, and thanks again for the visits in the hospital and the ice cream:) It hit the spot! ~Jen

Tonya said...

Yes, I too would pick working with cool, honest people after my experiences as well. So glad to hear that things are working out even if you had to go on the roller coaster ride first! :)