Monday, November 22, 2010


This is Bob's favorite holiday and becoming one of mine as well. I take care of the food planning for 6 of us, for 5 days - and I love it! Bob and I do most of the cooking as well. This year the weather seems to be fighting us for traveling to our usual place, but we'll get there, just slowly.
I am very thankful for some things despite my lack of employment.
I'm thankful...
for my supportive spouse
for friends and family
for my house
for having great former co-workers
for my computer that keeps chugging after 8 years
for my pets
for my garden
for my cute little car
for unemployment checks
for internet job searching
for good health.


Britta said...

I'm thankful for you!!!!!

Leah said...

Oh thank you! I miss you!
I must add ... for traveling with great friends.