Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Self identity

One of the groups I'm a part of is for young architects. Last night we had a small event, mini golfing, but before when we were waiting for the rain to stop, we sat around chatting. This was a family event so it was not only great to have Violet and Bob there, but to meet other spouses and kids. Sure the golf was entertaining too. Afterwards some of us ate dinner and we did some more chatting (all this adult talk!) and how we introduce ourselves and describe ourselves says a lot about us. Think about when you first meet someone and you shake their hand, "Hi---" is it followed by, "My name is" or "I'm fill in the blank with your name". Even that small sentence says I'm called this or I am this, which are you? But take it farther and think of how you describe yourself, and not just physically, because that is the easy part. Sure, my blond hair, glasses and stature are a big part if who I am, but that isn't all. Where does my profession fit in my list? What about not just wife and mom, but daughter, cousin, aunt? What about my other interests, swimming, cooking, pet owner, fuzzy animal lover, frugal shopper, bike commuter, volunteer, where do they fit on my list.

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