Saturday, June 09, 2007

Just around the corner from here

I know I still have a topic listed below that I haven't written on, but there are so many problems that I don't know where to start. But here is a topic that I've been thinking about today.

There is a song by the Low Stars called "Just Around the Corner" and I have realized that it is an excellent discription of life. Deep I know. The lyrics are pretty catchy too. So many things seem just out of reach, just through another tunnel, just around the corner. Each test I take for my license is a bend along my road, Bob's PhD, where we live now and where we hope to live one day, the life we want, next month's book club selection - almost everything can so easily be related to being around the corner - and some young pop star had to point that out to me!

Lately it seems like I am going in a circle, and quite quickly at that, its a good thing I am not the driver. We've now been here 9 months as of today. It is remarkable that I can go from so content here in sunny California, to missing so many things about Oregon. Bob finishes up his term next week and I'll take my 3rd exam and after that I should have details about our next trip, home.

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