Sunday, June 10, 2007

Procrastination at its Best

I am taking an exam Monday and what I am I doing today? Anything to avoid looking at more Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Systems, Day lighting, Acoustics and Elevator systems. By anything I mean in the last 24 hours I have - stood in line for Bagels for 20 minutes, sorted and started the laundry, wrapped a gift, (for a baby shower this afternoon), planned the groceries and meals for the week, written 2 blogs in less than 24 hours, gone swimming, watched a movie and walked the dog...twice. Of course I've checked my email, surfed the web, and talked to my family. Now I guess the only thing left to do is - study.
I still haven't received the results from my first two exams, but since this one is a multiple choices, I should know in less than two weeks - so maybe before I find out about the first two!

(After taking the exam Monday and feeling horrible about it, I have to say that I only procrastinated late Saturday and Sunday. I read and studied the last two weeks and went to two classes in San Francisco. I felt very prepared going into the test and very unprepared coming out.)

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