Monday, October 06, 2008

Fear Mongering

I am so tired of these scare tactics! Obama is not a terrorist, he is not a uni-bomber, he is not a communist. If we want to talk about who has connections let's not forget McCain is tied to Liddy (Watergate) Keating 5 (Savings and Loan crisis in the 80s) Palin is connected to Troopergate (current investigation in Alaska) and participated in an Alaska Separatist Group.
Definition of liberal:favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs
Does that really sound bad to anyone? I think to be liberal, is a good thing. We need change in health care, change in taxes, change in environmental policies and to GET OUT OF IRAQ. I don't want someone who will run right in to war or has a 1 in 3 chances of dying in the first term, or thinks owning 7 homes is normal and you have to make over $1 mil to be wealthy/upper class. (what about over $250,000 which is less than 1% of the population in the U.S.)
So where will you find me on Saturday between 2 and 4pm? At the Obama Headquarters, possibly calling you or knocking on your door.
And what would be so bad about federal health care? If everyone was covered, all prescriptions, surgeries, births, cancer treatments etc., what is wrong? Talk to someone who has a pre-existing condition or can't afford coverage or someone who has had coverage in Sweden, Germany, Japan, Canada, England (oh yeah, just about every other developed country besides the U.S.)
Also, it is NUCLEAR, not Nucular.


ktjane said...

OMG with the nuclear. seriously.

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

You go girl. ;)