Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Obama Office

Today, Bob and I rode our bikes down to Obama's Salem Office. I was really surprised and encouraged by the number and diversity of volunteers. We were told about the different tasks we could volunteer for, how to register voters, how to ignore the polls and for the first time in history, Marion county has more registered Democrats then Republicans! I must add that this was not Bob's idea, it was mine. This time we were not going to sit back and watch the show. This time we were not going to say, on election day, "What could we have done?"
So over this next week, we have a packet with various names of people whose doors we will be knocking on. And we took a big step. We aren't staying in our neighborhood where we know how people are voting, we are headed to Turner. (For those of you not related to us and didn't grow up with us, this is where our parents live and where we went to high school. It is a rural town that used to be mainly farmers 10 miles from Salem.)
It is time for Change!! (10% is not enough)

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