Monday, August 06, 2007

An Empty House

With the exception of Isabelle meowing for more food, my house is a little empty tonight. Bob and Lulu are in Oregon and I am here in Davis. We had a great weekend that started with friends in Sunriver. In the middle we saw friends that were visiting from Montana and then we finished off today with celebrating Bob's birthday with family and then again with a couple friends. My flight was smooth and on time and our dear friend Shelley picked me up and made sure I was safe inside. She even brought along Blackberry because she knew I would be missing Lulu. Once inside, I found a note Bob had left for me that brought tears to my eyes and then an email from two friends inviting me to do things this week. I miss Bob so much and I am reminded of our numerous goodbyes in airports, but it is so great to know how many people here are looking out for me as well. Grad students are a funny thing. They all move away from their homes so that one day they may be able to move back to them. They are together for at least three years all with the same goals and along the way you become a sort of family. Thank goodness for them, they make the time here, in a place that does not quite feel like home yet, better. So thank you. Thank you also to both my families for welcoming us home each time with the same excitement, thank you to our long time friends that drive all over to see us and be with us. And to those of you I haven't caught up with yet, call me. I'm in town next weekend and Labor Day weekend.

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