Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Pizza Tonight

Fall is here, classes are starting, and it is time to meet the new history grad students, tonight. I remember a lot from this night a year ago. I remember most of the people I met and I remember some of the thoughts I had. I also remember being the only spouse in Bob's class and how I left feeling very sad. I remember it all being a whirlwind and Bob trying to tell me about the program, about the students, and about his 12 hour day with them. The days that followed the pizza night I learned I was not alone. There were five significant others (SOs) joining my plight. By the time Halloween came, there were six and then I started meeting second and third year SOs. I must say that two of these SOs live outside of Davis, one of them has remained a friend but is not a SO anymore, and one I have not met (so really there are 2 of us). Now I'll be a second year SO. There were 13 students in Bob's program last year, now there are 11 (and the new class has only 9). I look forward to tonight, not only to see who Bob will be working with, who we'll be hanging out with, but to see what the SOs are like. Graduate School is a funny thing, being the wife of a graduate student is even harder to explain, but I think I like it most of the time.

1 comment:

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

Grad school over there does sound like a funny thing! Even here in DC there are not a lot of married couples. I am glad that you still like it most of the time :)