Saturday, September 29, 2007

Approaching Burn-out

Me. I am.
I'm taking test number 7 on Monday and finding it very difficult to study. I don't think it is the beautiful day outside, but rather the fact that I am getting tired of this. It is a good thing I only have three more tests to go because it is getting harder and harder to study. I'm not terribly excited about these last three and I think I will be retaking test number 6. Don't get me wrong I look forward to November so much (that is when I plan to take number 9, before the holidays begin) that I will not take a vacation from the tests, but I sure do want to!


Anonymous said...

You can do this! Just think of how great you have already done & keep pushing!

Bob said...

Hang in there girl. Our prayers are with you and so is God. Love you lots, Debi