Saturday, March 01, 2008

Deep Thoughts

1. Remember that from SNL in the 90's?
2. Is this really the place to post them? (a friend hinted at a deep blog topic based on the fact that most of us have been slacking in the blog-o-sphere lately.)

There are a ton of questions that float in and out of my head every day (just ask my poor husband, he has to field the ones I mention out load. Once on a road trip he had to ask me to not ask any questions for an hour.) I just can't ever remember what they are when I sit down to type! Instead here is something that came up yesterday that I am still thinking about because of my obsession with food (please note: not FOR food, but WITH food.)

I went to a burger place here in Davis for lunch Friday and my co workers were raving about how the burgers are made fresh daily. Now, you know I'm not a big meat eater, so I had a garden burger that I am pretty sure was previously frozen, but shouldn't all of the meat burgers EVERYWHERE be made fresh daily? It shouldn't be a luxury, but a constant. Believe me this is not a topic I take lightly (food and food sources) and one of my wishes on my past blog probably should have been for my own farm. I guess I still don't know, vegetable, lavender, blueberry or what type of farm I want. I considered telling you also that I want my own commune (and I guess I now am) but it wasn't a wish because I really don't want to give up on society. My thoughts on this are complicated and hard to explain and most of the time it is a little joke I have with some close friends. I just love the idea of being in a beautiful place with friends and family that share the same idea of living and being able to live off the land together. I know, I'm a hippie at heart. Maybe I should go to a commune for a vacation, then I would probably realize how much work it is and change my mind. It may also squash my other dream of a farm, but until then, I love the ideas.

I'm in the midst of studying for another exam, but I hope to also post on spring time in Davis and Bob's new, sweet office set-up, soon.

1 comment:

ktjane said...

oh my gosh, leah. i've only gotten through two of the three sections in omnivore's dilemma, but i'm completely convinced that i want to join your commune, or at the very least live close enough to a farm where i can look my farmer in the eye and know what i'm really buying. but i'm ready to be an all out hippie when you are! haha