Sunday, March 02, 2008

Playing House

Most of the time I want to bake, make dinner, have the laundry and dishes (do themselves) done and I feel like I am playing house. I suppose I kind of am. Maybe it feels like playing because I only get the opportunity on the weekend? Sometimes I joke around with Bob about getting my 6 years off (I know he hasn't taken 6 years off, he is working obviously, but this is how I joke, because if I was at home I am sure I would have plenty to do as well.) The thing is though, I like my life pretty much how it is. This is a big step. I'm not sure there is more I am meant to be. Shouldn't I have the burning desire? I'm talking about the 'B' word here. Shouldn't I want one by now? Shouldn't I want to be the 'M' word? Everything in society seems to scream it at me. Please don't take this wrong, I love my friends' kids, my niece, and my nephew. But sometimes I wonder if I'm just different and most of the time it just leaves me feeling lost. Am I alone here?


Ruhiyyih Rose said...

I don't think you are alone here. My sister and her husband have been married 11 years and still have not felt it was time yet. You will know when it is. God will help you decide too, I suppose :) No worries though!

ktjane said...

NOPE! not even a little...

Tonya said...

There are many different paths to choose from in this life. Wouldn't it be boring if we all took the same one?

Sheila Mac said...

You are totally not alone! I love Caitlyn to death, but I might have done things differently looking back!!!

Anonymous said...

i think ruhiyyih has the best answer. You and Bob will know if and when the time is right. It can only be what and when is right for YOU, and don't let anyone else tell you differently. I am just enjoying and loving all that I have. All of the moments in life are special and we need to savor all that we have.
love you, mom