Monday, March 24, 2008

Things I noticed this weekend...

1. I'm borderline obsessed with squeezing in summer time events.
2. I have been bitten by the travel bug and am busy dreaming.
3. I haven't posted in a while and people are reading my old, boring posts.
4. 75 degrees is great to be outside in, but warm to drive your car in on the freeway.
5. I'm tired of cleaning up after my cat and dog - no more poo please!
6. I can't let Bob do the grocery shopping. I'm not sure what I fear, but I just can't give it up.
7. I have A LOT of books I have started and haven't finished.
8. I LOVE the tree outside Bob's study.
9. I still have allergies.
10.I want a spring break too.


Ruhiyyih Rose said...

Do you still have the cat that can "go" in the actual toilet?

I have that travel bug toooo.

Leah said...

Well she could, but we haven't lived in a place where she can have her own toilet for a while. So she has a litter box. :(

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

LOL. I still think that is so crazy!

I hear you about having a million books that you have started but have not finished yet....I am vowing to not buy another new one until the old ones are all read!

Sheila Mac said...

I'm not obsessed with summer planning, but planning on the weekends I have Caitlyn. They are booked for the next month and a half! So much to squeeze in on those weekends!
At least you have your cat and dog to clean up after, mine seems to hate me lately cuz I'm gone so much!