Wednesday, January 16, 2008

President Clinton Speaks at UCD

So last minute, former President Bill Clinton decides to stop at UC Davis for a little chat to support Hillary. I am not a Hillary supporter, nor a big Clinton fan (it seems his 8 years in office were both good and bad, which may be better than the last 7 years, but could have been much more progressive) but how could I pass up an opportunity to see him speak for free. The line was incredible wrapping around 3 soccer fields (According to the UCD Democrats, the Pavilion holds 7,800 people and 3,500 were turned away). The guys decided not to push their way through the crowd to join us.
He spoke on a couple of things that I will highlight. 1. If you are voting for Hillary, don't do it just because she is a woman. 2. We, the young people, have more tomorrows than yesterdays and we should not only make the most of them, but make the best decisions for them. and 3. The US needs to become a more perfect union.
Go Edwards! The only one fighting for health care for everyone (affordable, not just tax breaks), the poor and middle class, the only one not taking money from prescription drug companies and large corporations. He is the only one that will remove all combat forces from Iraq in a timely matter. He is the only candidate that will not use Nuclear power to save the environment. If you want the same country we had 10 years ago vote Obama or Clinton, if you want something better, vote Edwards.

1 comment:

ktjane said...

oh, i'm so glad you went! i totally would have gone with you... and i'd go to the movies, too, if i weren't so far away! :)