Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Here it is...

Details on my job. The office has about 20 people in it, only one of whom is licensed. There are four women in the interior side of things and then the rest are dudes (except for me) on the architectural side. It is an open office plan and it will be growing to have 8 more work stations in the next 3 months. There are of course other rooms such as a kitchen, conference room, Ken's (the boss) office and a plotter room. I've been working on the new plans and it is my first deadline, so I hope to have everything ready on Monday. I've also been working on redlines (corrections from the State Architect) for a school in Nevada City and ADA accessibility for a Medical Center in Sacramento. My co-workers are very friendly and professional and my age (for once!). Very few of them live in Davis because it is so expensive. There is a girl from Washington, but other than that I think they are all long time Californians. My station is grouped with 3 of the interior girls, so there is no shortage of things to talk about while we work (which is also very nice!). Today there were bagels in the office for breakfast and on Fridays people bring in pastries to share (although when I interviewed last Friday, they were having omlettes!). So far I've been getting there around 8 and am one of the first 5 people there. (Amazing for me since I haven't set my alarm in the last 6 months, but obviously I have to now.)
I appoligize for my blog being dreadfully boring with the lack of pictures, but we seemed to have lost our cable to download pictures. I hope to get a new one soon, but then I'll have to find something more exciting to do than go to work and the gym. If I go to Moterey this weekend, I'll have that to post next week. If it starts raining again (like crazy like last week) then I'll show you the meadow that turns into a lake (seriously, it is about 12 feet deep).
Thanks again everyone for your support. I believe this was meant to be. I know that most people don't get laid off and find a new job all in the same week.


the rambler said...

Yay! The job sounds great!

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

You had one amazing God behind you paving the way, huh! Amen!

Great update, Leah. Good to hear things are transitioning smoothly.

ktjane said...

i'm totally jealous! but glad you found a great office! :)

Jason said...

Alright, congrats on the new job Leah. Glad it's working out well.