Thursday, January 10, 2008

Things I like

Here is another simple list, things I like:

1. Soft things. I touch almost everything when shopping.
2. Warm things and warm places from hot tea to Hawaii.
3. Snow, which I know compromises the above comment, but I like snow when I am warm.
4. Dessert
5. Good Friends
6. Good Food or eating good food with good friends
7. Good Movies with good soundtracks ('Once' is a great example)
8. Gardening, although not so much this time of year.
9. Kittens, puppies
10. Sunny days spent by a swimming pool or ocean (preferably one warm enough to swim in)
11. Good books, preferably with numbers 2, 4 or 10.
12. POETS day (I just learned this, Piss Off Early Tomorrow is Saturday)


ktjane said...

i don't understand number 11, but i like number 12!

Sheila Mac said...

Me either on number 11! I can't wait till I get to do number 10!!!!

Tonya said...

I loved the movie Once and will be buying the soundtrack soon.

Love the lists!

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

OH I LOVE LOVE LOVE "ONCE". I am listening to that soundtrack daily!

Fun post, Leah :)