Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Comments Day 2

The topic today is voting! Happy Voting Day everyone, or for Oregonians, happy drop off your ballot day if you did not mail it earlier. I know there aren't many issues in this election (in California), mostly library and school board issues, but go exercise your American right and participate. (I do look froward to seeing the results for measure 49 in Oregon.)
http://www.designobserver.com/archives/029268.html I must be on the edge of two generations. I feel myself agreeing with her, yet I don't feel I need to be pushed to vote. Interesting at the very least.

One year from today we'll be voting for a new President. With so much hype for the primaries and so many candidates, if you haven't done so already, check out this website. It provides an interesting look into which candidate matches with your views. If anyone wants to list their top or bottom three, just for kicks, go ahead. I took this a couple weeks ago, I'll do it again and post my results.


Possible topics later this week - Oil, Education, Water, Laws.


ktjane said...

top 3: edwards, obama, kucinich

bottom 3: hunter, tancredo, romney

Leah said...

Top 3: Kucinich, Gravel, Obama
Bottom 3:Hunter, Romney, Tancredo