Monday, November 12, 2007

Green Fest

I had a great time in San Francisco on Saturday at Green Fest. There was tasty food, samples, lectures, coupons, and all sorts of things to learn about. There were also a ton of people. Most of you know that one of the things I am interested in is the ingredients found in cosmetics (Note: Cosmetics are not limited to make-up, but include, deodorant, shampoo, lotions, gel, etc. as well). There is a website you can go to and either look up the products they have in their data base and see how harmful they are, or enter in your product (including all the ingredients) and it will tell you which of those ingredients is harmful. Now, when I say harmful, I mean carcinogenic, neorotoxic, disruptive to endocrine, reproductive and developmental systems, or are occupational hazards. My main issue is that there is currently little to no restrictions for these products. The FDA does not regulate the amount of lead in your lipstick, the government is not protecting us. In the US there are thousands of chemicals used that are banned in Europe, what is being hidden from us? Here is a list of some of the most disturbing products. So I encourage you all to go to Skin Deep and from there you can send a letter to congress about getting the FDA involved to make sure that all ingredients are listed and that the most harmful ones are left out of our products. When you get ready tomorrow morning, count the number of things you use on your body from gel to toothpaste to contact solution and I think you may be surprised. Make sure you dispose of your more harmful products properly, don't just pour them down the drain, because if they shouldn't be on your body, they shouldn't be in our water supply either.

1 comment:

ktjane said...

i can't wait to check out that website... we were just talking about this the other day! :)kt