Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Comments Day 3

First let me say, I passed another test. That makes one retake, one left to take, and one I am still waiting to hear on, but 6 known passes.

Today I was going to comment on the price of the oil barrel and mention an article in the NYT magazine from Sunday about Oil and Venezuela, but instead, health insurance.

I have health insurance through my employer, but no dental, so I picked up an individual plan. Well I finally made a dentist appointment, by looking online at who was a member and then calling them. I found two disconnected numbers and one listing that was recently accused of assaulting his patients. So I picked the only one listed, went, and then got the bill. Turns out she isn't a member any longer! I spent 15 minutes on the phone with someone and have decided to cancel it. They only covered 1/3 of the cost! Since I have not had problems in the past, it just isn't worth me paying for both bad insurance and then dentist. Why is this such an issue? Why does it cost $300 to go to a dentist and not have problems? Anyone know how to fix the problem? Everyone knows there are big problems, what I really want to know is why socializing medicine has such a negative meaning to some people?

1 comment:

ktjane said...

bottom line = $$$
i've had a similar experience of not being able to find a trustworthy dentist through my dental coverage. my health insurance stinks as well. i buy a private policy since my employer doesn't provide it. i've sent bc/bs $6500 in premiums over the last 3 years and have only been to the doctor's office once. i'm too scared to pay the deductible & fees to even use my coverage! meanwhile i could have used that money to do something more important, like to dig a well in africa... ugh!

oh, by the way, i saw a bumper sticker today that said "MY COUNTRY INVADED IRAQ and all i got was this expensive gas". nice