Friday, November 02, 2007


Sometimes I love the life of a grad student's wife. I have a pretty good network set up of other significant others, topics of conversation are usually interesting, people have pretty similar interests and concerns, we do fun things together (from movies to camping to soccer) and it is a unique group from all over the world really. And yet other times I think I am ready to be the professor's wife. Have students over, have tea for the other professors wives, slow down a little. What does this say about me? Am I on the edge of becoming old? Am I tired of the adventure? Nah, but maybe I am ready for winter with hot chocolate, reading, and knitting. Maybe I don't need a 'summer of George', but a winter of.

1 comment:

ktjane said...

seasons of life...
this is part of why i'm ready to leave phoenix, it's unnatural not to have seasons!