Friday, November 09, 2007

Comments Day 5

Items to mention:
My sister hit a 'big bug' (aka a deer) on the way to pick up Cait last night. The car is still drivable, but has damage.
I'm ready for Thanksgiving, but sad Lulu won't be coming with us.
I'm looking forward to heading into San Francisco this weekend for Green Fest, and finding hippie Christmas gifts!
I am really tired today, but I hope to play townball with the history students this afternoon.
Today I've been working on a material and color board for the city to review, so look for that on here soon.

Last night's lecture was pretty good.
Eric is one smart guy. He went through why 'liberal' has come to mean something negative for so many people. Personally I'm proud to be one (along with 20% of Americans). He spoke of some major items in history that either liberals did or had done to them that have left a negative feelings towards liberalism from Truman trying to continue what FDR had been doing, to Kennedy and Johnson. This was very interesting to me, but lightly touched on (understandingly so most of the room was filled with historians that may have been bored with this part, yet I hadn't had it phrased to me that way before.) So the country leaned more and more to the right. There is an opinion of those truly on the left that things must get worse before they can get better and the 2006 elections were enough for some people to see that and begin leaning left again. Although he mentioned there were still many more democrats elected in 1994, (maybe he was hinting that Reagan/Bush era was worse than this Bush era?) He spoke of the upcoming election with hope. To me, hope that middle class, middle state America would realize that the things they most value, have not been paid attention to and the left is ready to listen.

1 comment:

ktjane said...

A DEER? oh my gosh! hope everything is okay... that's so scary! can't wait to hear about the green fest!